Wednesday, April 14, 2021

I Played Some Music Retro


I heard the sound of music from heart.
The waves vibrated in my heart.
The wavelengths matched and a lust I found.
Love at first sound with violin I found.

Violin, Fiddle, Stradivarius, Pochette, the name you call
The sound and waves it generates for all
Love, hate, sorrow, sad, happy, nostalgic, ecstatic
The range of emotions four strings generate is bombastic

Restless I was the day it I bought
The sound was not as I had thought
A frog was crying, an elephant was shouting
Patience waned, against the wall I was clouting

A maestro I needed to learn from
To a music school I went in Akron
Sound waves touched my heart again
A truckload of skill I needed to gain

My head was clouded, my mind over confident
My posture was slouched, I was not despondent
At concerts, I dreamed of being center of attraction
Still restless, with violin I didn’t have any traction

Stillness in mind, stillness in body, stillness in thought
Emotions don’t run amok; I can’t be a wild goat
Straight head, relaxed shoulders, erected spine, flat violin
Flexible right hand, wrist straight, to achieve I needed a gin

With violin meditation, I learned to be still
Still mind, still body, still thought, emotions were nil
Months I learned posture, years I became maestro
Many concerts I led, I played some music retro

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