Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Days are Short and Nights are Long



Days are short and nights are long
Warmth in my body, where art thou gone?
Six months ago, warm porch I walked along
When will I see an early bright dawn?

Days are short and nights are long
My coffee was warm and hiking was on
Five months ago, no coat was not wrong
When will I remove the warm long john?

Days are short and nights are long
Warm Sun shone on my green lawn
Four months ago, I joined a throng
When will I sit again in a salon?

Days are short and nights are long
Clearing snow is a conclusion foregone
Three months ago, I heard a bird-song
When will the warmth return in my bone?

Days are short and nights are long
All day long, a warm blanket is on
Two months ago, flowers were strong
When will I drink a warm Wonton?

Days are short and nights are long
Summer I wait for; winter is a con
Since a month ago, I yearn for days to prolong
When will the nature’s warm lights turn on?

Nights will be short and days will be long
Days are still days and some lights anon
This month, for next day I long
Long days are away, but some light is thrown.

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