Monday, December 3, 2018

The Flying Bride

A shotgun wedding was set by a lakeside
Groom was ready, where was the bride?
Spring flowers were blooming, bridallers had arrived
Wait was not over, missing was the bride.

Pastor was restless, he could not chide
Waiting for him were another groom and bride
Pointing at his watch, he asked the groom
Wait was not over, missing was the bride.

Hands were shaking, butterflies were flying inside
Carrying his child, nuptial stress she had not survived
Thin air separated the groom and the maid of honor
Wait was not over, missing was the bride.

Bosom friends they were, what she could not confide
Maid of honor she was, her anger was amplified
Showing more outrage than her was the groom’s father
Wait was not over, missing was the bride.

Sympathetic to his son, he simply sighed
His actions or inertia, everyone will deride
Bridal party was shaken, all but bride’s mother
Wait was not over, missing was the bride.

A request of her daughter, she had complied
Bemused faces all around, she was satisfied
A noise broke the silence, she was not surprised
Wait was almost over, flying was the bride.

A tiny plane grew larger, everyone cried,
The groom smiled, a scare he had survived
The plane glided, door opened, the guests were mesmerized
Wait was over, the beautiful bride had arrived.